Fantastiske mødrer

Fantastiske mødrer

Vi har til småfolks A/W 2022 katalog spurgt nogle fantastiske mødre om at udvælge nogle modeller fra Småfolks efterårs/vinter sæson og give deres bud på hvordan man kan mixe og matche Småfolk på nye og sjove måder.

Disse mødre har virkelig kreative ideer, tag et kig på deres instagram profiler.



Simone and her children James, Lee and Daisy are from Melbourne, Australia:

Simone: “I have always had a passion for colourful and bright fashion and naturally that had flowed through my children. It brings me a lot joy seeing my children express themselves through colourful prints and patterns. We spend a lot of our time exploring, getting out into nature and sharing our adventures”



Hello I am Toni, Mama to 9 year old Stormy and 3 year old twins Lettie and Flossie. I love kids! So much so that I hang out with 24 kindergarten students every day by choice. Children are our future and I feel honoured and privileged to play a small role in shaping their futures. 

I find joy in the little things in life such as sitting alone in the bathroom with the door locked eating Nutella, spontaneously bursting into a choreographed song and dance number, a hot cup of coffee, laughing until I cry, silence- that’s a real rarity, watching the sun paint the sky of a late afternoon, wandering among the wildflowers, following rainbows and chasing thunderstorms. 

I want to live in a world where kindness, peace, grace, generosity and love falls from the sky like rain, a world where laundry washes, hangs and folds itself and parents get to wear the superhero costumes they’ve already earned! 

Big love 


@me and my butts 

I’m Catherine Buttigieg, I live in Melbourne Australia.  I have 3 children, Clementine (3), Felix (4) and Robin (6).  I have a Bachelor in Visual Arts and Honours in Fine Arts and spent my honours year at university creating tapestries and weaving and have always had a love of textiles.  I have worked in the fashion industry previously but since having children have developed a deep love of children’s fashion and run an Instagram account for their fashion adventures.  Småfolk are one of my favourite children’s clothing brands for many reasons from their beautiful bright, fun retro prints to the fact that they are eco-friendly and a family run business.  I am honored that they have asked us to take photos for their collections.


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